MLS Laser is a class 4 or “high level” laser, meaning it delivers more than 0.5W peak power. Traditional class 3B (low level/cold lasers) deliver no more than 0.5W peak power). MLS uses specific wavelengths of light (905nm and 808nm) to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling and to encourage your body to heal.

The 905nm wavelength is the more powerful wavelength and is delivered at 25W peak power giving it a strong pain-relieving effect. This wavelength switches on and off rapidly and repeatedly during your treatment – in the “off” times any thermal energy can dissipate from your tissues meaning it is totally safe to use. 


Chromophores are ‘elements’ in the body which can absorb light. Some key chromophores in laser treatments are water, haemoglobin, melanin and cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) – the wavelength used by a laser is what helps to determine which chromophore will absorb the light emitted. MLS is different to lasers which are used for hair-removal or lasers which are used for surgery as these lasers use different wavelengths and power outputs. Hair removal lasers primarily target melanin and require a minimum of 1800W to create heat and destroy the hair follicle. Surgical lasers tend to use 6000-10000nm and target absorption by water. MLS uses wavelengths which target CCO and a power output of either 25W or 75W depending on the device (you can ask your clinician which they are using). When CCO absorbs the light from our lasers, it encourages the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which essentially gives cells more energy to heal – this is just one of the ways in which MLS laser works. 

MLS Laser treatment is:

  • Non-invasive (no needles etc)
  • Painless (it doesn’t hurt!)
  • Drug free (alternative to anti-inflammatories/steroids)
  • Safe (no recognised side effects)

MLS Laser can be used in the treatment of a variety of issues including:

  • Tendinopathies
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Wound healing
  • Sciatica
  • General aches and pains
  • Ligament sprains
  • Muscle tears
  • Neuropathy
  • Bursitis
  • Bells Palsy

There are over 200 MLS lasers in clinics across the UK and Ireland and thousands of happy patients as a result.


For more information, please contact us 

☎ 01267 237223
